Gold Standard Certified & Registered

The companies listed below have been certified or are in the process of certification for the IAB UK Gold Standard

Company name Company type(s) Gold Standard Status
Acast Buy Side Support Registered
Activision Blizzard Media Direct Sellers (owned inventory)


Adform Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory)
Buy Side Support (Tech platform services)
Admaxim Full Service Support Registered
AutoTrader Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Amazon Advertising
Buy Side Support (Tech platform services)
Buyer Planner
Amagi Sell Side Support Registered
Amobee Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Audience Store Buyer Activation Certified
AudienceQ Full-Service Support Registered
Authorised Buyers, Google Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Azerion Direct Sellers (owned inventory)
Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory)
Bauer Media Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Bidstack Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Blis Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Captify Buyer Activation Certified
Crimtan Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Dentsu Buyer Planner Registered
Digital Turbine Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Discovery Networks Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
encore Buyer Activation
Buyer Planner
Equativ Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Registered
ESI Media Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Essence Buyer Planner Certified
Exit Bee Full Service Support Certified
Fifty Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Finecast Buyer Activation Certified
Footballco Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
FreeWheel Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Global Direct Sellers & Sell Side Support (owned inventory)  Certified
GroupM PBU Buyer Activation Certified
GroupM UK Buyer Planner Certified
GumGum Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Havas Buyer Activation, Buyer Planner Certified
Hearst Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Hello! Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Immediate Media Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Index Exchange Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Inskin Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Instagram Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
IPGMediabrands Buyer Planner Certified
JACK RYAN Media Buyer Planner Registered
JustPremium Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
LADbible group Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
LiveScore Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
LoopMe Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
MatterKind Buyer Activation Certified
m/Six Buyer Planner Certified
Magnite Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
MailMetroMedia Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Mediacom Buyer Planner Certified
MediaCom North Buyer Planner Certified
Meta Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Mindshare Buyer Planner Certified
MIQ Buyer Activation Certified
Mobsta Buyer Activation Certified
Moloco Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Nano Interactive Buyer Activation Certified
NBC Universal Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Registered
News UK Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
OCM Digital Media Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Registered
Octave Audio Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Omnicom Media Group Buyer Activation
Buyer Planner
OpenX Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Playground XYZ Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Publicis Media Buyer Activation
Buyer Planner
Pubmatic Sell Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
Quantcast Buyer Activation Certified
Reach Solutions Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Rezonence Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Seedtag Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Showheroes Buy Side Support Registered
Sky Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Skyrise Intelligence Buyer Activation Registered
SmartFrame Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Sovrn Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
SpotX Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Taboola Full Service Support Certified
Teads Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
The Guardian Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
The Telegraph Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
the7Stars Buyer Activation
Buyer Planner
TheTradeDesk Buy Side Support (Tech platform services) Certified
TikTok Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Time Out Media Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Registered
TripAdvisor Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
triplelift Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Twitch Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Registered
Unruly Full Service Support Certified Full Service Support Certified
venatus Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Certified
Vevo Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Wavemaker Buyer Planner Certified
WeAre8 Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified
Wunderkind Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory) Registered
Xandr Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory)
Buy Side Support (Tech platform services)
Xaxis UK Buyer Activation Certified
Yahoo Direct Sellers (owned inventory)
Sell Side Support (non-owned inventory)
Buy Side Support (Tech platform services)
YouTube, Google Direct Sellers (owned inventory) Certified

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